Halloween Parties 2023 – Join us next year for our special events in Transylvania, the land of Dracula!
In 2020, the only one undisturbed by COVID-19 seems to be our beloved Count Dracula. It is true though, that we are not exactly sure how he copes emotionally and how he endures all this situation in which Halloween in Transylvania was not celebrated as it should be for a land known as home to the most known vampire in the world. Given that this year he lost his ardent seekers, it might not be bad to suggest him a few sessions on Yalom’s couch…

Bran Castle did not give up. With all the pandemic hustle Bran Castle remembered Halloween, it is true, with less pomp and more care in the representations of death (skulls, skeletons, open wounds …) and with enough masks and distance between people in order to avoid any contamination/ spreading of the dreaded virus of 2020.
We also missed the Sighisoara Fortress, the cold wine cellar remained not only cold and dark but without even the warmth of a lost soul on the eve of Halloween in Transylvania. Magicians, dancers, awards, lights and crazy music are now back!
Tours including the best Halloween Parties 2023
In order to enjoy the best Halloween Parties 2023, you can choose between our 3-days Short Breaks or the Awarded 7-Days Halloween Tour. You can also attend our 1 or 2-days tours, but these only include one party each.
Check out this video and discover what makes our Halloween Parties 2023 so fun: